Hello, I’m Parker

Who Is Parker Harrington?

Hi, I'm Parker Harrington! I'm fascinated by entrepreneurship, obsessed with learning, and committed to spreading positive energy along the way.

I spend my time operating as an individual with many hats. I consult on clients’ digital approach, run data to find industry trends, and always push for results. I even help companies define a new product, create the launch strategy, and grow their audience base. I’ve learned a lot in my roles as founder and even more in my time as a first-hire. I have a strong interest in startups and plan to be involved entrepreneurially going forward.

  • Data Analyst

    Data Analyst

    Ten years of analyzing industry trends, diving into data insights, and defining the customer journey.

  • Amazon Seller Specialist

    Amazon Seller Specialist

    Seven years of leading business leaders to success on the top e-commerce platform.

  • eCommerce Product Manager

    eCommerce Product Manager

    Seven years of experience guiding companies and brands online through the universe that is the internet.

  • Creative Director

    Creative Director

    Seven years of experience producing innovative ideas and procedures to set apart from the competition.

  • Trekker


    Six years of dedicated exploring of this wondrous rock we travel through space on.

  • Music Junkie

    Music Junkie

    Four consecutive years of more than 100,000 minutes listened on Spotify.

Get in touch

Born into the tech generation, I’ve spent years learning the in’s-and-outs of the major platforms. In 2024, it’s important to have a grip on your digital game, let’s handle it. The internet is evolving with every day that passes by. Trying to learn all of it can create an overwhelming amount of pressure. Let me help where I can and connect you with someone if it’s outside my repertoire.