Bug Soother

Bug Soother is a natural, non-toxic natural insect repellent that grew 10X on Amazon, twice over the first two years. A true small town, family-run business success story, that I helped through growth and a multi-million dollar acquisition phase. (They ended up selling to another client of mine, Eco Lips, INC. - so I still manage this account).

Relevant Points

  • Prior to starting work in 2017, Bug Soother’s natural insect repellent was selling ~$2K per year on Amazon. An afterthought for their growing brick-and-mortar business.

  • Heading into 2017, Bug Soother was capturing 16% of “Bug Soother” sales - the rest was all being sold by 3rd Party Sellers who were undercutting Bug Soother’s pricing and in turn causing problems with Bug Soother’s brick-and-mortar retailers, hurting offline sales opportunities.

  • In 2018, we had captured 90% of Bug Soother sales, and grew sales 10X vs. prior year and over 100x vs. the time period before the partnership. Working collaboratively with their team, we not only captured the sales that were previously going to 3rd Party Sellers that had been undercutting price, but we significantly expanded the brand’s overall presence and sales rate on Amazon.

  • During a 2-month period in 2019 alone (bug repellent is a very seasonal product), the Amazon business generated more than 6 figures and is now a critical component of the business plan.

  • Bug Soother’s growth on Amazon has also led to additional brick-and-mortar opportunities, and several large retail chains have specifically cited Amazon sales and ranking as a reason they are adding Bug Soother to their store.

  • During the 2020’s we’ve focused on product line extensions and marketplace expansion generating a more than 1.5x growth year over year. Now, 6 months of the year see 6-figures or greater on Amazon.


Terra Products Co.