Parker Harrington Portfolio

Launched Ventures

Built on relationships, Rephlex Digital has broken into the digital space using smiles and transparency. The team has done more than refine an old tradition, by focusing on people and their needs, Rephlex has been able to grow and flourish off referrals. With 5+ years of experience, this team will have a direction for you to go whether that involves us or pointing you on the route that will benefit your business the most.


Rephlex Digital

  • ● E-Commerce Consulting

    ● Amazon Business Development

    ● Google SEO/SEM

    ● Social Media Management

    ● Website Design

  • ● Created +200% growth online for Lola’s, a vegan hot sauce for 3 consecutive years across 8 new platforms

    ● Established 5 new platforms and expanded Sertodo, handmade copper kitchenware to international markets

    ● Identify, field, and take ownership of new leads which has led to YoY growth every year since inception

  • 2020-2023

Motorway Media empowers brands with the ability to advertise directly to consumers on the road. We accomplish this by installing electronic paper screens within weatherproof enclosures on the backs of semi-trailers. Then, using our location-based, just-in-time advertising solution, we trigger digital advertisements based on the vehicle's location. Our business offers a unique advertising platform for its clients that focuses on flexibility, time sensitivity, customer targeting, and efficiency.


Motorway Media

  • ● Create and customize out-of-home advertising

    ● Real-time updated creative based on events and market conditions

    ● Impact specific geographic and demographic audiences close to the point of sale

    ● Only pay for times and locations you bid on, enhancing ROI

  • ● Worked in collaboration with the federal Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and National Advanced Driving Simulator teams to develop future driving laws for the United States

    ● Created partnerships with CRST, Hy-Vee, Casey’s, and Kum&Go to digitally advertise on semi-trucks

    ● Pitched to 25 venture capitalists to secure funding to acquire digital billboards for on-the-road advertising marketing

  • 2017-2020

Earth Threads Logo by Parker Harrington

Earth Threads provides organic, athletic clothing for the health & environment-conscious individual. Made of

Cotton, Hemp, Bamboo, Jute, and Silk, the gear is free of chemicals, herbicides, and insecticides. Made from recycled ingredients, avoid toxins on your skin and in the habitat.


Earth Threads

  • ● Offering an initial round of organic clothing in an underserved market

    ● Develop and manufacture custom athletic wear

    ● Private label printing for 3rd parties

  • ● Identified manufacturers across the US who could provide an organic line (often educating them on how to accomplish this feat)

    ● Secured partnerships and early supporters to purchase through Kickstarter

    ● Pitched to John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center

  • 2016-2017


  • Marlo Higgins Image - Parker Harrington

    Marlo Higgins

    I’ve had the pleasure of working directly with Parker on a social media project. I invited Parker to participate in leveraging a special project for my company. Parker did an outstanding job and superseded my expectations. He conducted a thorough interview with me and extracted detailed information which he turned into a dynamic social media recommendation for our team. He's a driven millennial that has a passion to make a difference. It's always a delight aligning with others who desire to go above and beyond.

  • Chico Lizzaraga Image - Parker Harrington

    Chico Lizzaraga

    Parker brings creativity to life for his clients. He strives to bring value to all of his customers lives through effective communication and design. He has a tireless work ethic that has proven to deliver top results. Parker is a guy you want in your corner because he is going to enhance your skill set and improve all facets of your business.

  • Fred Ebong Image - Parker Harrington

    Fred Ebong

    Parker and I have worked together a few times and I look forward to the next! He is relatable and approachable in any setting. He’s a true professional that knows how to get others involved, a great connector. He’s found passion in helping others succeed and I honor him for that. His knowledge, drive, and contagious smile will take him a long way.

  • John Kuster Image - Parker Harrington

    John Kuster

    Parker is an exceptionally gifted and passionate creative who can easily understand and relate to you and your company's needs. In today's digital world, a skilled creative is someone who deeply understands all the modern tools and applications that can help better drive your product and business, and that's Parker. Outside of his exceptional talent, he's an extremely personable and humble learner who will always be a pleasure to work with.

  • Brooke Lowe Image - Parker Harrington

    Brooke Lowe

    Parker provides our team with an optimistic outlook and problem-solving approach. He's an easy team player and leader who makes a point to listen to all thoughts and ideas when project planning and pushes the people around him to grow and learn constantly. Parker is someone I would recommend for any project, job or task. His passion for people and his work creates exceptional results.

  • Corey Behrens Image - Parker Harrington

    Corey Behrens

    I've worked with Parker on a number of projects, and each time he brought his "A" game! As a liaison for projects we've worked on, Parker makes sure everything is covered in detail and provides all the information I need when working on a project. Additionally, Parker is the master at what he does.