Grown Ass Man Co.

Grown Ass Man Co. is a line of men’s personal care products that we launched as a team training exercise and has turned into a rapidly growing online business with a cult-like consumer following.

Relevant Points

  • Grown Ass Man Co. started when we noticed that (1) shampoo bars were a rapidly rising search term, (2) a large proportion of the searches were from men, and (3) that almost every shampoo bar available at the time was available exclusively for women.

  • We vetted manufacturing partners until we found one that could create a super-high quality, strongly scented, all-organic shampoo bar with three scent variations. In the end, we were able to find a reliable source in the US that used organic and all-natural ingredients.

  • Today it’s a rapidly growing 6-figure online brand, with 9-12 new SKUs scheduled for launch that will broaden our footprint in the men’s personal care space, and the same number of additional new SKUs scheduled for next quarter.

  • Grown Ass Man Co. has become the model for other private label brands we’ve launched since then. It’s also a real-world training ground we use to teach new team members about e-commerce and a live, test lab for us to use to try new tactics before recommending them to our clients.

  • We put our own money into building our own product lines because we believe in what we do and our ability to grow brands - and the experience our team gets with sourcing products, product formulation, brand development, and manufacturing processes puts our team in a position to deliver insights to our clients about parts of the business that most agencies never touch. We understand our clients’ perspectives because we live it ourselves.

  • I’ve overseen this one from idea creation to our new sights of a 7-figure year. I’ve handled everything from sourcing, testing, packing, servicing, directing short films, and even acting in some of these films for this brand.



