Eco Lips

Eco Lips makes organic lip balms but historically, e-commerce was admittedly an afterthought. In the last 6+ years, we’ve grown annual online sales from a few thousand dollars to a rapidly growing online business with annual sales in the 7-figure range. Amazon is now Eco Lips’ second-largest sales channel after Walmart brick-and-mortar.

Relevant Points

  • In 2016, Eco Lips abandoned Amazon and only had a limited e-commerce presence on their own site. Even with being the first available organic lip balm, the online presence wasn’t there.

  • By using unique “only on Amazon” package configurations we were able to fight off over 300 third-party sellers that had hijacked Eco Lips’ footprint on Amazon and regain control of their brand.

  • Then by using a combination of outside Facebook traffic, Amazon search, and iterative listing optimization we’ve been able to achieve sustained and rapid growth in a highly competitive category, punching above our weight by outranking many bigger, more funded competitors in the space.

  • We also completely rebuilt as a Shopify site, rebuilt it to make it more robust (and saw a 60% sales boost after doing so), and then rebuilt and relaunched it again in February 2021 around Eco Lips re-launched brand identity and brand mission of sustainability. Sales have continued to grow throughout.

  • In addition to growing online sales, I work with Eco Lips to research new product categories and strategic line expansion opportunities and provide online user intent data to support the sales team’s pitches to buyers for new brick & mortar sales opportunities.

  • Launching hemp, bee-free, and plastic-free products have just been the tip of the iceberg in terms of new product launches we’ve worked on together. With many more to come, Eco Lips continues to be a leader in the space.


Terra Products Co.

